Our Policy and Advocacy Team, led by chair Dr. Thomas Higgins, has provided the following for informational purposes only. GLMS does not endorse or support any political candidates. If any member is holding a political fundraiser, information about those events may be posted here. Please forward upcoming events to Kate Williams at kate.williams@glms.org
If you are interested in joining the Policy and Advocacy Team, please email Kathryn Vance at kathryn.vance@glms.org.
Regarding Announcements of Member-Hosted Legislative Candidate Fundraisers: The Greater Louisville Medical Society does not endorse legislative candidates, nor does it solicit members for campaign contributions. In the current environment, however, we acknowledge that in order to have meaningful policy input with legislators, grassroots constituents need to engage themselves in campaign support. GLMS encourages members to participate voluntarily in campaign fundraisers on a bipartisan basis. To assist members in these efforts, GLMS will email to members of the Policy & Advocacy Team, and post on the GLMS Website without endorsement or solicitation, announcements of campaign events being hosted by GLMS members.